Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy 2 Months T!!!!!

T turned 2 months on Monday. Crazy how fast the last 2 months has gone and even crazier how much he has changed in the last 2 months. Since he was about 6 weeks old he had to move into 3-6 month clothes. He can hold his head up, follow you with his eyes, coo, smile (yet to capture it on camera and actually it is more of a smirk with his eyes smiling) and just be pretty darn amazing.

Here are a few pictures of our big guy....

At his 2 month appt he weighed 13lbs 2ozs and was 23 inches long, when he was born he weighed 8lbs 10ozs and was 19.5 inches long.... they grow up way too quickly.

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